While the Trust awaits the long-expected decision of Suffolk Coastal District Council on our Wenhaston Station planning application (which has now been running for almost ten months), we have put in a very small additional application for some basic facilities for our onsite volunteers
The idea is to get some very basic facilities onto site fast, and, while doing that, to use the placing of the elements to outline the larger plan.
The application is for a WC (placed exactly where the permanent one
will be on the annexe to the station building) and also what is
basically a storage shed – but one that is presented as a SR van, and
placed on its wheels on a section of track (which again exactly marks
out the placing of the headshunt and platform edge in the Station
Project). This shed (wagon) is needed for storage of tools and equipment
needed to deal with the maintenance of the natural environment, repair
of fences etc.
The Trust can see no reason why this interim, and very minimal,
application should not be discussed, and hopefully passed, in March or
April 2014.
The SCDC reference is 14/0023/FUL (the easiest access is via Advanced
Search), so please support our application, online, as soon as possible
(Monday 17th February is the last consulting day).