Coastground of Yarmouth – a firm who have always been very supportive of
the Trust – pulled out all the stops to gritblast and prime all the
parts for SR open wagon 41’s underframe. This was a sizeable job, as we
had dismantled it completely: many valuable man-hours must have been
spent. Coastground are sponsoring the work. The Trust is extremely
grateful to the firm for this very valuable contribution.
The phot shows “Digger” Sean’s trailer leaving the Coastground site –
most of the components were unloaded at the Southwold workshop, with the
main frame, wheelsets and brake cross-shaft staying on the trailer
ready for delivery to Peggs of Aldeburgh next week.
There, new, longer axles will be provided, and the wheels pressed on – a
section will be let into the brake shaft to lengthen it – and the
underframe itself will be cut into two pieces and re-erected as a double
structure, thus at the same time widening, shortening, and raising it.
Meanwhile, SR van 40 is on the point of erection of the main timber body
frame at the SOLD workshop in Lowestoft, and various firms are being
approached about the SR passenger coach project. With the 3D CAD design
for Sharp Stewart “Blyth” nearing completion, the SR Heritage Train is
beginning to take shape.