Here we are setting off from Blythburgh for the annual post-Christmas traditional track walk to Southwold. The bailey bridge across the Blyth was re-opened after all, but, while it was not possible to advertise this in the November newsletter, many people saw its mention on the blog and a good number turned up. Good to see you all.
Meanwhile Steamworks was open for BVLR rides, the Railway Shop and the Cafe. We had the best Open Day yet despite some loco difficulties. Mainly, the wrong sort of coal! The lesson was learned. The diesel shunter “Mells” was running up and down and there, with John Ridgway and his new Christmas present grease top cap, is Rev Simon Pitcher. Something very appealing about vicars on the footplate. In fact Rev Teddy Boston’s book was called “From Font to Footplate” and, as it happens, Simon is restoring Teddy’s early model railway. We are going to build a proper canopy over the platform, which is somewhat rudimentary at present but which will be improved. So much to do but the volunteers are in overdrive.
The next Open Days will be on Easter Saturday and Bank Holiday Monday 20th and 22nd April, but the Shop will be open every Saturday from now on.
The new boiler for our first 7 1/4 inch loco (“Katy”) is now delivered and is being re assembled into the loco by Oliver Densham who is improving the plumbing spectacularly in the process.
Happy New Year.
John Bennett 7.1.19